Omiai cyberattack

The application devlopers ,Net marketing Co.alerted the public to numerous unauhorized intrusion into server.

Men don't have access to the service,which is free for women .Men must be pay $40 per month to register and use it.

During the intrusion,the attackers stole username,id cards and photo , their data like driving licenece and passports, confidential information,all of which were required for KYC(means known your customer) purpose during registration the good news that not payment or credit card information has been compromised.

The Tokyo stock exchange ,where the company is listed was also shaken by the news of the breach .net marketing stock fell 19% at market close on monday,according  to bloomberg. net marketing Co is estimated to be worth $70 million and this the largest decline since the company went public in 2017.

Japan online matchmaking market has more than dobled in size in the last 4years and it projected to rise another 70% to 106 billion yen bt 2025 compared to reported by a subsidiary of CyberAgent Inc.

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