What is a pagasus virus? how does work it ? brief history.

What is it?

pagasus virus a spyware is any malicious software designed to enter your own computer.
this virus your personal gather data and forward to third party user without their consent.

Pagasus virus developed by NSO group.
It is desicgned to obtrusion smatphones,Android and ios.
this is most powerfull spyware ever created.

NSO group sold the software to government only. a single licence which can be used to infect several smartphones.

their cost up to 70 lakh Rs.According to a 2016 price list. NSO group charged to customers $650,000 to infilrate 10 device, and most imprtants point this installation fee of around $500,000.

How does work it?

it purpose to hacking involves in SMS or imessage and gmail through thier send link to a website.if you click that have link so in link delivers malicious software that compromises device(such as phone,tabltes,pc,laptops).their aim focus full controll your mobile on operatong and do their to want and controll your activity .and leaked your personal information and persnal data.


2016 :- Researchers canadian cybersecurity organisation the citizen lab first encoutered pagasus on smartphones of human right activist ahmed mansoor.

2018 september :- The citizen lab published report that found 45 countries in which pagasus was being used. included india county.

2019 october :- whatsapp revealed that jornalists and human right s activists in india had been targets of surveillance by operators using pegagus.

2021 july :- Pagasus virus used governments used the software to spy on government offficial ,journalists,activists and opposition politicians. investigetion journlism says the indian gornment used it to spy on around 300 people between 2017 and 2019

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